Acquiring A Nursing License In The State Of Ohio

In Ohio, there are two primary forms of nursing licenses obtainable. They are the LPN and RN license. Individuals who wish to acquire these licenses must fulfill all prerequisites as outlined in Ohio's state nursing laws. To learn more about how you can acquire your ohio nursing license today, contact the Board of Nursing for the state of Ohio.

The Licensing Process for LPN

Prospective students who wish to become a licensed LPN in the state of Ohio must complete a state-approved nursing program. This may include a one-year certification or two-year associate degree degree program. Enrollment within these programs requires submission of high school transcripts and a copy of their diploma. All application fees are provided when you submit this application.

After the completion of the program, these students should establish whether or not they wish to include IV services within their skill set. Once they make these distinctions, they should notify the director for the program that completed. He or she submits a letter that verifies the student’s fulfillment of these obligations.

Once the application for the license and fees are submitted, the Board of Nursing conducts a complete background check for the student. This includes FBI and BCI assessments. All applicants to who wish to acquire their license is required to submit registration with NCLEX-PN. After the take and pass the licensing examination, the Board forwards a notification for the applicant.

Licensing Requirements for RN

According to tx info on nursing for registered nurses, all applicants should fulfill the educational requirements for this career. This includes the completion of a bachelor’s degree program in nursing. However, these students could utilize accelerated degree programs in which they advance up to PhD level.

After all information associated with the completion of these educational programs, the same background check requirements are needed as they are with LPN candidates. The application fee for the license is $75 and must be remitted when the student registers for their license. If the register nurse is licensed in another state, they could acquire an Ohio license through an endorsement through the Board of Nursing.

Students who become nurses in the state of ohio obtain this title by fulfilling all requirements outlined by the Ohio Board of Nursing. All nurses must renew the license every two years. They are also required to enroll into continued educational programs according to the duration of time that they have maintained this title. To learn more about getting a nursing license in ohio today, you should contact the Board of Nursing today.